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The Benefits of Puzzle Games for Babies that You should Know

September 23,2022

When it comes to puzzle games, many parents are very enthusiastic. I thought they are fun. But what many parents don't know is that playing puzzles at an early age can be very educational for their children.

Children who often play puzzles will become more intelligent, more calm, and have more independent thinking and problem-solving abilities.

I've found that the average puzzle player shows three patterns. One is never played, keep going in and out of play. One is to have played, but always can't find the way out, round and round back to the starting point entrance, an then sit on the ground to cry. 

And then there were the best behaved children, who even though they circled back to the exit, they would find a way to go back in and start over. 

I've seen a little boy walk around a few times, tilt his head and think about it, then run into the sand to pick up a lot of small stones and then put in his pocket, encountered the impassable intersection on the small stones. 

Finally, he made it to the exit. I was so impressed by this witty and unyielding little boy that I couldn't resist hitting on his mother. She was a very gentle young woman with a soft, sweet smile on her lips. 

The young mother saw me ask, chuckled, said that in fact, the child behaved so well because he often likes to play the puzzles. This could improve children’s intelligence, bring them benefits.

The earlier the more benefit. At the beginning of her family's children is from the beginning of 2 years to accompany their children to play. So what are the benefits, besides exercising imaginative development and making kids smarter?

1. Playing puzzle games can enhance children's concentration

To learn the benefits of mindfulness, wait until the kids start school. Many children struggle to concentrate in 45-minute classes.

So it is very necessary to let children exercise their concentration in advance. puzzle games, on the other hand, can help children practice concentration in advance. After all, play requires a child to concentrate on finding a way out, and to pay attention to details and the way they walk.

This is the same as adults usually say that the training of children's concentration can pick up beans, but it is estimated that the little ones do not hold on to the beans, after all, it is too boring.

The puzzle game is not only fun, but also can cultivate children's concentration. I remember seeing a Korean girl named Eun-sung play puzzle games almost every week just because she loves it.

The focus of the star is very good, usually play with a carton is a half day, and can create a variety of manual modeling with the carton. So you can see that a simple puzzle game not only builds concentration but also builds creativity along the way.

Kibtoy puzzle game, the benefits of puzzles

Picture 1: Memory Matching Game

2. Playing puzzle games often can improve children's spatial ability

American brain research expert Jay. Gide followed 400 children over time for the study. The results show that after birth, the brain grows a large number of neurons, including those involved in spatial orientation.

But when the child does not use these neurons in large and regular quantities, the neurons slowly disappear. So kids who regularly play puzzles have very active neurons in the brain that record spatial relationships and in the parietal lobe.

So playing puzzles regularly is a great way to develop children's spatial skills. The children who played puzzles more often performed better on the graphics and spatial rotation tests. The kids at work, for example, love to play puzzles.

If you ask him where you went to play? He will tell you in great detail where they are and what signs there are on the road, which is the whole space to tell you very clearly, including details. And these are things that a lot of people don't find much less remember.

Kibtoy puzzle game, the benefits of puzzles

Picture 2: Crazy Flip Card Game

3. Children who play puzzle games often have better problem-solving skills

American child scientist Ryan Homomichl has conducted a survey of American and Asian children about puzzle games. The results showed that, compared with the very high number of American children who knew how to mark a puzzle with rocks and sand, less than a third of Asian children used this method.

What this data tells us is that children who play puzzles more often have better problem-solving skills. This is like allowing children to go camping to exercise their problem-solving ability is the same, but the puzzle game safety index is obviously much higher than the safety index of wilderness survival.

Because puzzles don't put kids in danger No. But their problem-solving skills are the same. Because in the puzzle, the child is also alone without the help of parents, will exert all the ability of the child, open the brain to the solution.

So if your child is a little like to rely on parents do not like to take the initiative to solve the problem symptoms, may wish to let your child also try to play the puzzle game, perhaps slowly the child will become love to solve problems independently, not like to rely on it!

 Kibtoy puzzle game, the benefits of puzzles

Picture 3: Bounce Off Party Game

4. Often playing puzzle games can exercise children's emotional self-control ability

I've seen kids in the park who, after failing the puzzle a few times, go back to the starting point and sit on the ground and cry. This is often seen in the first puzzle game, especially if the child has an impatient personality.

Therefore, when children play the puzzle game because they can't find a way out or repeatedly fail several times, anxiety will make the child's mood is very angry, and then fail several times will make the child collapse and cry.

So let the child play the puzzle game can not only see the child's emotional state, but also let the parents give the child the right help, slowly exercise the child's emotional self-control. This is the best time to give your child some emotional control. 

You should know that people who can control their bad emotions will be more successful in the future in the society and the workplace. Because anger or frustration in a bad mood can make it even harder. It's true.

New York psychology doctor Guy once did an experiment. It is when a person experience frustration and failure, let them play football, they will feel that the goal is small. The results show that when you are angry and frustrated, it can make your immediate difficulties even bigger.

So when children walk the puzzle game, there are bad emotions and anger, parents give children to do the right guidance, help children out of low emotional pressure, exercise the child's emotional power, and improve the child's emotional self-control.

Kibtoy puzzle game, the benefits of puzzles

Picture 4: Lava Leaping Game

Puzzle games usually children play fall into two groups: field puzzles and paper puzzles. These benefits are the same for children in both field and paper puzzles. But for young children, it's best to start with a paper puzzle and wait until you're older to explore the field puzzle.

After all, the child is too young, or safety first. puzzles are usually played after the age of two, just like the amazing little boy I met in the park who started playing after his second birthday as a birthday present from his mother.

And by the age of two or three, children are already capable of learning simple maps. So this time can accompany children to play games together, after all, the earlier play, the brain neurons and parietal lobe area will get more exercise, lest the brain neurons because of stimulation is not slowly disappear.

How is it that mothers can't imagine that a seemingly simple and boring puzzle game can bring so many benefits and influences to their children? So don't think about any small things, they don't make a big difference.

So mothers, if the little ones at home are old enough, can also prepare a puzzle game for the little ones at home to play, to develop little children's brain and abilities.